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What are the characteristics and operation methods of the kitchen garbage collection truck?

2020-03-06 09:25:55

Kitchen waste truck, also known as food waste truck, kitchen waste truck or decanter truck, is one of the garbage trucks. It is used for collecting and transporting domestic waste, food waste (slug water) and urban sludge. vehicle. With the development of China's catering industry, there are nearly 3.5 million hotels and restaurants in China. The amount of kitchen waste generated every day is very alarming, and its collection and transfer methods are diverse. Food waste trucks for food waste are also developing rapidly.

The modified part has the characteristics of high automation of loading and unloading of garbage, reliable work, good sealing, large loading volume, easy operation, closed operation, no sewage leakage and odor emission, and good environmental protection. It can be equipped with standard trash bins with different specifications, which has wide applicability. Catering garbage trucks are efficient and clean vehicles for garbage collection and transportation.

The kitchen garbage truck not only optimizes the environmental sanitation of the residents, reduces the smell of kitchen garbage in the air, reduces the possibility of breeding cockroaches and bacteria, improves the sanitation operation environment, and reduces pollution caused by scattered garbage.

The barreled "泔水" is slowly transported up and down through the car's conveyor belt, and poured into the car compartment at the top of the car (the car compartment can be divided into a car body and a tank body). Solid-liquid separation. The separated liquid enters the sewage tank at the bottom of the tank. The solid waste is compressed and stored in the tank, and the volume becomes smaller. After this, it is repeatedly filled to the kitchen waste resource optimization treatment plant.

The entire process is automated. Separate collection and centralized processing of kitchen waste requires not only harmless and resourceful processing equipment in the later period, but also special vehicles for collection and transportation. Due to the high water content and complex composition of the kitchen waste, it is required that the vehicle has good airtightness, easy and safe operation, high efficiency and convenience in loading and unloading, and requires matching with later resourced equipment.


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